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Artificial Intelligence: The Extent of Intellect

The human brain is, hands down, the most complex organ in all of our bodies. It is made up of billions of neurons and signal transmitters that

The human brain is, hands down, the most complex organ in all of our bodies. It is made up of billions of neurons and signal transmitters that help us solve the most intricate of quandaries to the simplest of issues. With all the technological advancements that we’ve made, can anything that isn’t a human brain evolve to parallel (or even surpass) the capabilities of it? It’s very debatable, but according to TechCrunch that is exactly where the discourse about Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes in.  

If we’re going to talk about AI, we should probably define it, right? However, defining the term isn’t as simple as it seems.

For as much hype as the acronym gets, for as much as we hear it, see it, and even speak of it ourselves, what AI really is can be hard to wrap our brains around.

Attempting to put it simply, AI can be defined as machinery and computer systems that attempt to carry out tasks and problem solve in a fashion that mimics the extent and intelligence of the human mind. However, AI is much more complex than this definition makes it seem. 

There are two ways to consider the idea of AI: “weak AI” and “strong AI.” Weak AI contends that software and machinery are only as capable as the masterminds who created them. Machines can outperform humans, but they are still limited to the nature in which they were programmed. On the other hand, strong AI considers the possibility that pieces of technologies are as intelligent or even more so than human minds. Think of the AI that beat GO champion Lee Sedol.  In other words, machinery should be able to perform and evolve just like human intelligence.  

Today AI and its many sub-types are still in its infancy; however, it has already helped to reshape entire industries – media being one of them. Machine Learning, a type of AI, is now one of the most popular forms used in the buying and selling of online media.  Advanced Marketing companies like Awlogy are using specific Machine Learning software to predict an ads performance before it is ever served, model out highly qualified audiences and the list goes on.

While no one knows for sure what the future of AI will entail, one thing is for sure – it will only evolve. Who knows – maybe someday an AI system will be writing this blog.

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