Long ago, before there was hand held computers under the alias of mobile devices, many families couponed. Couponing was the art of scouring the 3 pound edition of the Sunday newspaper filled with ads and feverously clipping away at deals and discounts. These days the newspaper business has taken a tremendous hit and isn’t what it once was, but Couponing, more specifically mobile couponing, is alive and well.
How alive you may ask? Well, in 2015 92.6 million adults used mobile coupons according to eMarketer. That number is nearly 18% more than the previous year. And, according to the report, this increase is not going to slow down for 2016 with projections of an 11% rise.
What’s more to like about these trends are that customers will spend more money and buy more products when they are given a mobile coupon. For many brands and retailers, mobile coupons are quickly becoming a top priority. When nearly 40% of your customer base tends to spend more money using coupons, you can imagine the importance that is placed on it.
But is this a surprising trend? Our phones have become the most vital item in our possession, constantly in our hands from the boardroom to the bathroom. As a brand or a business, enticing consumers with mobile coupons is like shooting fish in a barrel. It is a quick and easy way to grab the attention of a customer that will more likely make a decision to engage with your product or brand. We will use a specific ride share app because it is 50% cheaper. Or we choose to go to a particular coffee shop because they are offering some kind of redeemable discount via your mobile phone.
Not to mention, it’s only the tip of the iceberg. With new advertising venues like smart watches and virtual reality slowly coming to fruition, the way we coupon is only becoming easier.